Professional Activities



  • Editorial Board Member Artificial Intelligence Advances Journal
  • Editorial Board Member of SCIREA Journal of Mechanics
  • Supervisor of Master students, graduate, undergraduate students and Research Assistants during my PhD and my current postdoc
  • Mentor and Pitching Panel for Design Odyssey (Established by SUTD-MIT International Design Centre, in partnership with the JP Morgan Foundation, Design Odessey aims to provide students a seamless transition to professional practice by developing a human-centric focus rooted in design, innovation and social awareness)
  • Founder member of PostDoc Society at SUTD and Co-President in 2018
  • Representative of PhD students at the laboratory (France)
  • Founder member of PhD association at Supelec Saclay (Association des Doctorants à Supelec Saclay)

Reviewer (publons)

  • Smart Materials and Structures
  • The European Physical Journal EPJ Applied Physics
  • Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
  • MARSS, the annual International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales
  • IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics
  • Journal of Sensing and Imaging
  • Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal
  • Journal of Mechatronics

Training and workshops

  • Atelier OGRE à l’ECAM LaSalle
  • Two days FESTO training on Industrial internet of things
  • Airbus CyberRange training, ‘’Platform CyberRange Basics’’ in March 2023
  • Atelier 2tonnes A “serious game” to understand the actions to be taken to limit climate change. 05/01/2023
  • (Digital Twin) Jumeau Numérique de systèmes de production: La synchronisation modèle virtuel / système réel en pratique. Formation aux outils de base Flexsim, Synchronisation de deux modèles virtuels sur un même PC, Synchronisation d’un modèle virtuel avec une ligne d’assemblage complète via OPC-UA. Decembre 1, and 2, 2022 par CARDIN Olivier, IUT de Nantes.
  • Programmation Robot CS9, STAUBLI, France, Septembre 2022 (consignes de sécurité:robot 4-6 axes, Utilisation de pendant d’apprentissage, Gestion des instructions de mouvements, programmation structurée, gestion entrées/sorties, Palettisation)
  • Fanuc Industrial Robot Vision training in Aout 2022
  • Fonctions de sécurité robot DCS, FANUC France, July 2022
  • Mise en œuvre du logiciel de simulation ROBOGUIDE, FANUC, France, July 2022
  • Programmeur sur Robot industriel » Réf : TPEB Cette formation constitue le socle pour les personnes en charge de la programmation d’un robot FANUC. Elle est le prérequis pour tout projet d’intégration ou d’optimisation de système robotisé.
  • ROS Developers Day 2022 (June 18th, 2022) | The Construct (
  • Formation Ingénierie Soutenable 8, 9 et 10 juin 2022 projet ET-LIOS, Pôle S.mart RAO, pad de prise de note, site internet 
  • ROS Developers Day 2021 – The Construct (
  • Music Acoustics Workshop, 12 of January by Prof Chen Jer-Ming
  • Specialist Hacking Day, 1 day workshop on 11 January 2018, IEEE SUTD Student Branch
  • Spot Fake News, 9 January 2018, SUTD Library
  • Execute Your Business Ideas, Euromonitor, 5 January 2018, SUTD Library
  • Lean LaunchPad methodology workshop to learn business and entrepreneurial skills (
  • Personal and people Leadership skills, 2 days workshop coach by Su Chern Teo, Intrinsic Consulting, 11 and 12 December 2017
  • Humanities and the City Conference 2017, SUTD, 05 December 2017
  • Symposium On Industrial Infrastructural Developments, 23 November 2017
  • EduTECH Asia 2017, Asia’s Largest Education Conference and Exhibition, 8-9 November 2017
  • Mentor and Pitching Panel for Design Odyssey (Established by SUTD-MIT International Design Centre, in partnership with the JP Morgan Foundation, Design Odessey aims to provide students a  seamless transition to professional practice by developing a human-centric focus rooted in design, innovation and social awareness)
  • 2017 World Remanufacturing Summit, Singapore, 6th—7th September 2017: Remanufacturing In The Digital Age
  • Workshop on Intelligent Robotics (Artificial Intelligence): Learning by Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms by Professor Thomas Braunl on 22 & 23 Jun 2017
  • DManD CodeKitchen #18: DIY Microfluidics| Low-cost prototyping strategies for medical devices. Wed June 21, 2017
  • CodeKitchen #17: Network Sense | May 24, 2017: Make sense of complexity with network visualization
  • UK-Singapore Symposium on Future Factories, 17 May 2017, Wednesday, Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC)
  • 4 Days IP Clinic Workshop @ SUTD on May 2017. IP and Patents, Identifying an invention, content of a technical disclosure, and other topics.
  • STEM Singapore Innovations Symposium, 27-28 April 2017: Cross-Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development and Innovative Pedagogies. Presented by Faculty from NUS, Yale-NUS and other Singaporean Universities.
  • Academic Entrepreneurship Mini Bootcamp with SMART and SUTD at SG Innovate, ”Introduce faculty and future faculty to technological entrepreneurship. A key goal is to help broaden your perspective regarding the impact of your research beyond traditional academic venues’, Led by MIT experts focused specifically on entrepreneurship for academics, April 21, 2017.
  • DManD CodeKitchen #16, ”Finding Solutions: we explored problem-based learning. We discuss ed principles anyone can apply in life to become a better student, teacher, designer, and scientist, March 29, 2017
  • Design Innovation Workshop: Designing the SUTD research experience (three half days)
  • DManD CodeKitchen #12, ‘’Design Exploration: Towards high-performance conceptual design using Karamba and Rhino3D’’, New initiatives to bridge engineering and architectural design approaches, Singapore 2016.
  • 2016 Merlion Workshop: Nanoscale 3D Printing, SUTD, 1 and 2 December 2016.
  • 3D Visualization Workshop using Cinema 4D, Singapore, 2016.
  • CSS workshop, SUTD, Singapore, 2016.
  • 3D Printing Workshop (Shape Your Imagination): The workshop was talking about 3D Printing technology capabilities and demo on model printing (Hands-On). Participants learned about design and multi-material printing using the advanced Stratasys Objet500 printer, DManD, SUTD, Singapore.
  • Simple Robotics (A taste of mechanical, electrical and control algorithms): In this workshop we built a simple autonomous robot with sensors and motors and explored the implications in different control algorithms, DManD, SUTD, Singapore.
  • Making Your Research Have Impact, Taylor & Francis, SUTD library, Singapore, 2016.
  • Research Best Practices: How to increase your Research Visibility and Citation, SUTD library, Singapore, 2016.
  • How to get published with IEEE, SUTD library, Singapore, 2016.
  • Publishing workshop, SUTD library, Singapore, 2016.
  • Successful the financing of your business in cleantech, Organized by Sherbrooke Innopole in collaboration with Écotech Québec, 1 day.
  • MIGAS’11, Grenoble, France, 25 June-1 July 2011, summer school in Nanostructures for Energy Harvesting.
  • Mecamat, Aussois, France, 22-28 Janvier 2012, winter school in Mechanics of Materials.
  • Oral Communication: Speaking in front of group, with Pierre BELLE, 3 days.
  • Extension and diffusion of knowledge: considerations and applications, with Sylvie SALAMITOU, 2 days.
  • Successful integration into the company, 2 days.
  • Next Step Doctorant, with APEC (Agence pour l’Emploi des Cadres)-Michèle LE-CAM, 4 days.
  • NCT (New chapter of the thesis), with Pascale THIEBAUT, 2 weeks.
  • An approach to pedagogy and didactics for university teachers, With Marc LEGRAND, 2 days.
  • Develop his character as a teacher, with Stéphanie MARQUIS, 4 days.

Conferences, Presentations

  1. International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications 2021, Germany, Road Noise Reduction inside car cabin using Active Structural Acoustic Control (ASAC), Oral Presentation
  2. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computer and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2019, August 18-21, 2019, Anaheim, CA, USA, ‘’Pisces – A Highly Manoeuvrable And Untethered Under-Actuated Legged Piezoelectric Miniature Robot’’, Oral presentation
  3. IEEE 2018 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), 18-21 Nov. 2018, Singapore, ‘’ORION-II: A Miniature Climbing Robot with Bilayer Compliant Tape for Autonomous Intelligent Surveillance and Reconnaissance’’, Oral presentation
  4. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 16-21, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, ‘A Tether-less Legged Piezoelectric Miniature Robot Using Bounding Gait Locomotion for Bidirectional Motion’, Oral presentation
  5. 2th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials, Singapore 4-6 March, 2016, ‘’Soft robotics in liquid using piezoelectric actuators’’, Invited speaker
  6. 4th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials, China, 27-29 May, 2015, ‘Piezoelectric Transducers for Mobile Robotic Applications’, Invited speaker
  7. The Fourteenth International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science World Congress (2015 IFToMM World Congress), Taiwan, 25-30 October, 2015, ‘’Miniature Piezoelectric Mobile Robot driven by Standing Wave’’, oral presentation
  8. Auto21, Toronto, Canada, 27-28 May 2014, ‘Flexible strain sensor for intelligent tire’’, Oral presentation (round one winner and best in theme sensors and intelligent systems)
  9. Auto21, Toronto, Canada, 22-23 May 2013, ‘’Embedded tire vibration sensor for safety and comfort’’, Poster presentation (round one winner)
  10. Piezo2013, Les Arcs, French Alps, Italy, 18-20 Mar 2013, Oral presentation
  11. Actuator’12, Bremen, Germany, 18- 20 June 2012, Oral presentation
  12. Adaptronic Congress 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, 07-08 September 2011, Oral presentation
  13. Mecamat, Aussois, France, 22-28 Janvier 2012, winter school in Mechanics of materials, Poster presentation
  14. MIGAS’11, Grenoble, France, 25 June-1July 2011, summer school in
  15. Nanostructures for Energy Harvesting, Poster presentation
  16. Piezo2011, Sestriere, Italy, 27 Feb–2 Mar 2011, Poster presentation
  17. Actuator’10, Bremen, Germany, 14-16 June 2010, Poster presentation